I'm impressed you got a VTOL to work, that would be ideal for those last few pieces of salvage, but between the jets for hovering, the jets for moving forwards, making sure the weight is right and finding a way to put wheels on it that you can collapse, it's too much of a hassle. My issue is that a hover craft should be better at picking up salvage since you can land it over the top and pick it up letting it sit under the middle of the vehicle, but I haven't figured out a better way to control the thing other than using wasd as air control, Adding jets to the front and sides for steering is too difficult since you don't have a lot of information to work with.

I had the electromagnet above the salvages center of mass as well so that helped a bit, still, a lot of crap just to get that part. I ended up finding a way to do the small cannon, I added 20 heavy weights most on the front, some on the back, to get better traction but it still took 5 dragon engines and 4 raw jets to get up that hill. I've found planes to be quite fun and easy to do, VTOL craft included. I guess my advice there would be to make a best guess/estimate from real world physics, then test and iterate from there. I've also made plenty of different flying contraptions, just not one for larger salvage pieces (yet). Instead of "lassoing" or using a "fork" at the front of a car I've had plenty of success with large salvage pieces by using a push plate fixed high on my car/truck, nudging/rolling the salvage from the top rather than bottom. I used the default boat truck, with additional truck wheels for grip, and if memory serves I took the salvage to a further away location for easier access, having battled the hill for a bit but not having stronger engines. Originally posted by Johnno:For me the "small cannon" one wasn't all that difficult, just time consuming. I have no Idea how the expect me to do this, Cars are good, boats are good, submarines are good, but they really dropped the ball with planes and hover-crafts, you simply don't have the information you need to make them effectively without guessing. Option 2 might be doable but you'd need a boat made almost entirely out of large pontoons, and even then you'd need a way to transfer it onto land without dropping the salvage.Įven the template aerial vehicles are garbage, they flip over and crash non-stop.

Option 1 is impossible, You can get it through the water but you can't get it up this tiny hill even with a truck with 5 dragon engines and monster truck wheels, I've tried pushing it with a giant wall in front of my car, I've tried lassoing it and pulling, I've tried electromagnets, nothing works. But the game expects you to land on these mid air platforms and transport salvage in either an impossible to control hover craft, or plane that can you have to do guesswork on just to get it airbourne, let alone with it carrying a piece of salvage.Įven a relatively mid-game piece of salvage, the "small cannon" is practically impossible, somehow you're intended to transport a giant sphere with ridiculous mass across either shallow water and up a hill or through deep water. So your only option is a plane with an electromagnet on it, too bad we don't have a way to see the center of gravity of a vehicle or this would actually be feasible.

Even if you could, the option to set the speed of a thruster is far too restrictive, you can't be specific enough to just counter the force of gravity without having additional upward momentum. There's no option to change the speed of your thrusters with a keybind so you can't actually hover, you can only "pulse".